Monday, September 5, 2016

Craft Update

It's been very misty and clouded here in Holland, not very inviting to venture out. So after a little grocery shopping, recycling the glass and taking out the trash, I rewarded myself with a cup of coffee and some episodes of Grey's Anatomy. Oh I love the series... you know I couldn't stand the sight of blood when I was younger? Gladly I can withstand it now and enjoy a lovely series like this. I did some crochet while I watched - the best combination ever - and finished another dishcloth, this time a - how appropriate - a grey one. I don't have a picture of that one yet, but I do of the headband and the crocheted ring I made today;

Happy new year to all of you! It has been a little quiet at astitchintime because I was very busy with doing... erm... nothing. Enjoying the holidays, spending time with dear family and friends, and, like always, enjoying way too many lovely foodies. So. What HAVE I been up to in the last couple weeks? Well, I did start a new blanket. I am currently a little less inspired for new crochet projects. On the other hand, I bought my first sewing machine - a 70 euro bargain - and am thrilled to be practicing my sewing skill, which tends to be lot harder then simple crochet in my opinion. So meanwhile, I made... Homemade Tags Gifttags for Christmas (and I made a box to store them in as well) Crocheted Heart Bunting A crocheted heart bunting - from scraps of yarn Stuffy Fluffies My first set of Stuffy Fluffies, or stuffed animals - a nice way to learn how to sew Here's a how to; How To Stuffy Fluffy I already sewed a couple of my dresses who needed a little adjustment and just today I made these pillow covers.. And had some nailpolish fun... Nailpolish Fun Next to that, I am working on a secret baby shower gift for a dear friend. Oh and of course, the blanket: Ok. I know, I said I didn't have time for crafting. But in retrospect, I seem to have crafted quite a bit. Well, the most lovely thing about crafting is that it doesn't really feel like 'spending time' it's more like being in a kind of creative flow... time flies by while I don't seem to notice at all. How were your holidays? Did you spend time crafting? Maybe you were knitting Christmas ornaments with those Swedish guys - I didn't try because my knitting is not that good - yet!

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